The high school in Dresden South-West with the new construction of a three-field sports gym shows a combination of the application of the Assessment System for Sustainable Building with regard to the complete modernization down to the construction and the extension with new buildings.

Landeshauptstadt Dresden, STESAD GmbH
ARGE RBZAB Raum und Bau GmbH + AGZ Zimmermann Architekten GmbH
- Project manager: STESAD GmbH
- Structural engineering: Leonhardt, Andrä und Partner, Beratende Ingenieure VBI AG
- Outdoor facilities: Storch Landschaftsarchitekten
- Building physics: Genest und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
- Fire protection: Engineering office for structural fire protection
BNB_UN13 und BNB_BK13
Dipl.-Ing. Nadine Merkla, M. Arch.
Gesamt-Erfüllungsgrad ( % ) / nach Hauptkriteriengruppen
Ökobilanz (GWP) in kg CO2-Äqu./m²NGFaa
Besondere Merkmale
The new extension encloses an atrium in a U-shape on the upper floors, so that the classrooms on the inside of the building are also sufficiently well lit. Below the atrium on the first floor is the spacious assembly hall, which is additionally lit by skylights. An integrated stage makes the room multifunctional.
The listed old building was initially completely and extensively gutted and renovated with regard to its former material loads. The aim for all three parts of the building was to create a school complex with very good indoor air quality.
Both the actual hall area of the sports hall and the changing rooms are located in the underground area, so that the upper grandstand area for spectators could be implemented barrier-free.
The school campus is supplied by the district heating network of Dresdner Stadtwerke, which can demonstrate a very high proportion of renewable energy (>95%).
Thanks to the sustainable, all-round approach and project support, it was possible to achieve good interior quality in terms of thermal and acoustic comfort.
The two new buildings were constructed as a solid reinforced concrete structure. The facades are ventilated and clad with fiber cement and aluminum panels. Behind the pilaster strips of the school extension are narrow opening casements, which can be used for overnight cooling without posing a safety risk.
Monumental elements of the old building that required protection, such as the facade, windows, door portals, banisters and the former main entrance area, were carefully renovated or reconstructed in close consultation with the Office for the Preservation of Monuments.