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Advisory Board

The establishment of the network within the framework of the research project is accompanied by an advisory board, which advises the office on questions regarding the organisation and orientation of the network. The members of the advisory board come from the fields of planning and construction, building operation, education and research and thus cover a broad spectrum of experience.

The advisory board works on a voluntary basis and currently consists of the following members:

  • Dr. Ecevit Agu
    City of Essen, Head of Real Estate Management
  • Mathias Oliva y Hausmann
    Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Home Affairs, Officer - Department BW I 5 - Civil Engineering Sustainable Building, Building Research
  • Theresa Keilhacker
    Berlin Chamber of Architects, President
  • Christoph Knickel
    Landesbetrieb Bau und Immobilien Hessen (LBIH), Property Management, Energy and Sustainability
  • Johannes Kreißig
    Executive Board DGNB e.V., Managing Director DGNB GmbH
  • Wiebke Küpper
    Karlsruhe Regional Finance Office, Construction Director, Bundesbau Baden-Württemberg - Operations Management
  • Dr Günter Löhnert
    sol-id-ar planungswerkstatt berlin, Managing Director
  • Andreas Rietz
    former Head of Division WB 5 Sustainable Building, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR)
  • Vera Lisa Schneider
    Ministry of Schools and Education North Rhine-Westphalia, Head of Department 123, Building and Real Estate Affairs, Internal Service
  • Jens Wadle
    HOWOGE Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH, Berlin School Construction Offensive, Authorised Representative

The advisory board was initially appointed for the duration of the research project.

Tasks of the Advisory Board (PDF, German only)